Global Diamond Laboratory was established in June, 2009. We are a full service gem stone and diamond grading company. The purpose of GDL grading certificate is to confirm the authenticity of the gem stone and diamond. At the same time, to describe accurately the characteristics and the quality of gem stones and diamonds. The GDL certificate confirms to the international standards for grading polished diamond. Therefore, the GDL certificate is a true and authentic identity voucher of a diamond worldwide.
The GDL certification report is not a guarantee, valuation or appraisal. This report contains only the characteristics of the diamond described herein after it has been graded, tested, examined and analyzed by GDL under 10X magnification, and/or has been inscribed, using the techniques and equipment available to GDL at the time of the examination and/or at the time of being inscribed, including fully corrected triplet loupe and binocular microscope, master color comparison diamond, standardized viewing environment and light source, electronic carat scale, diamond Colorimeter short wave ultraviolet transmission detection system, optical measuring device, micro laser inscribing device, sarin, ultraviolet lamps, millimeter gauge, and ancillary instruments as necessary. Red symbols denote internal characteristics (inclusions). Green or black symbols denote external characteristics (blemishes). Diagram is an approximate representation of the diamond, and symbols shown indicate type, position, and approximate size of clarity characteristics. All clarity characteristics may not be shown. Details of finish are not shown. The recipient of this Report may wish to consult a credentialed Jeweler or Gemologist about the importance and interrelationship of cut, color, clarity and carat weight.